Home Self-Defense - Bela Diri Satria Muda Indonesia – Silat School

Satria Muda Indonesia – Silat School

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The Satria Muda Indonesia Pencak Silat School, or abbreviated as PPS Satria Muda Indonesia, was established on July 19, 1987 in the Pinus Valley of Ciloto, Cianjur, West Java. Starting with the Pencak Silat demonstration at the 1955 Asian-African Conference in Bandung, three martial arts warriors from West Sumatra, H. Abu Zahar, Major H. Umar Machtub and Lebe Malin Sutan, held a meeting and agreed to establish a silat college with Baringin Sakti’s name specifically teaches Minangkabau Pencak Silat. It is said that the name Baringin Sakti was chosen because in the center of Padang City grew large banyan trees for hundreds of years. Baringin Sakti Silat School teaches Pencak Silat styles of Harimau, Kumango, Lintau and Pauh.

One of H. Abu Zahar’s students, Lt. Gen. H. Prabowo Subianto, in the 1980s felt concerned about the lack of interest in Indonesian martial arts by his own people, especially with the proliferation of foreign martial arts to Indonesia. Lt. Gen. H. Prabowo Subianto invited his seniors to develop the Baringin Sakti which had a Minangkabau Silat style as a form of national martial arts organization. Afterwards, they formally established the organization named PPS Satria Muda Indonesia on July 19, 1987 in Lembah Pinus Ciloto, West Java.

PPS Satria Muda Indonesia’s pioneering leaders are the younger generation of students of H. Abu Zahar from Silat Baringin Sakti College, namely Lt. Gen. H. Prabowo Subianto, Maj. Gen. H. Ismet Yuzairi, Brig. Gen. HRAN Tanoedjiwa, Drs. Edward Lebe HM, Indra Chatib, Yan Yulidar, Ir. Lukman RG, H. Robinsyah Goffar and Ir. Erizal Chaniago. At that time also present to join several warriors from Banten, Pandeglang, Tangerang and Sukabumi.

In its development, PPS Satria Muda Indonesia also embraced other martial arts figures in the archipelago to help develop lessons for the school, including the Minang silat styles such as Silek Tuo, Silek Buayo, Silek Sitaralak, and also Pencak Sunda. like Cikalong, Cimande and Sabandar. Meanwhile, Betawi Silat, such as Unloading Cages and Beksi, and other martial arts schools are also taught in this school.


Students of Satria Muda Indonesia are given a basic understanding of the methods of the Satria Muda Indonesia PPS methodology. Then at an advanced level, students will be asked to choose which genre is of interest. If they are interested in Cimande, then students will learn at Cimande teachers who have joined the PPS Satria Muda Indonesia, as well as if you wish to learn Silang Minang. Using this methodology Satria Muda Indonesia students are expected to be able to choose the flow based on their talents and interests so that they can preserve the culture of the nation and the art of traditional teachers.


  • Pratama Taruna: The color of a plain white belt. A new Satria Muda Indonesia member who enters must be with a sincere spirit and a pure clean heart.
  • Pratama Madya and Pratama Utama: The basic color of the white belt with a red line above it. The addition of one red line shows an increase in members’ courage as the practice period increases.
  • Satria Taruna: The color of a plain red belt, which shows the main trait of a Satria that is having courage and loyalty.
  • Satria Madya and Satria Utama: The basic color of the belt is red with a black line on it. The naming of one black line shows an increase in the members’ beliefs about the knowledge they learn.
  • Pendekar Muda Taruna: The color of a plain black belt shows a member who is Satria in character, confident of his abilities and limitations and loyal.
  • Pendekar Muda Madya and Pendekar Muda Utama: The basic color of the black belt with a yellow stripe on it, refers to a member of a noble character, confident, faithful and wise.
  • Pendekar: The color of plain yellow belts of the highest level of college members has the qualities of noble, has confidence, wise and wise in deciding something.
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