America’s first encounters with Silat can be recounted through several parallel stories – each with its own unique narrative. In part two of this series, we will cover America’s initial exposure to Silat through Pak Herman Suwanda.
Pak Herman Suwanda arrived in the USA in the early 1980’s. Pak Herman was born in Indonesia on February 10, 1955, the eldest son of Bapak Uyuh Suwanda, the grand-master of the family style of Mande Muda. In addition to learning from his father, Herman began studying with other pendekars from different Pencak Silat systems in West Java after nearly 10 years of private training with his father. Coming from a poor family, he immigrated to America in the early 1980’s searching for the American dream through teaching Pencak Silat. Pak Herman arrived in the USA knowing only the word “I Love You” in English. He settled in California and later married an American woman named Shannon.
Over the next 20 year years, Pak Herman single-handedly spread the Pencak Silat Mande Muda system throughout the United States and Canada. After a while, he attracted a large number of students including several famous martial artists in the USA in Los Angeles. Two renowned students of Pak Herman included Dan Inosanto and Antonio Somero, both Filipino martial artists that became fascinated with Silat through the teaching of Herman Suwanda. Guru Dan Inosanto said of Pak Herman, “Pak Herman Suwanda is one of the most knowledgeable and gifted martial art instructors in the Indonesian martial art of Pencak Silat.”

Pak Herman was instrumental in promoting Indonesian Pencak Silat in particular West Javanese Pencak Silat to the US beginning with him teaching on a limited scale and expanding to seminars thorough out the US and later on to parts of Europe. After he met Guru Dan Inosanto, the art became more accessible to others. Guru Dan was instrumental in assisting and promoting Mande Muda to all those interested in learning it via Pak Herman seminars.

Tragically, Herman Suwanda and his wife, Shannon, died in a car crash in March of 2000 when visiting Germany. Shortly after his death, Herman Suwanda’s sister, Ibu Rita Suwanda, was named Guru Besar of Pencak Silat Mande Muda. She continues to travel throughout the world, furthering the family tradition of openly sharing the secrets of Pencak Silat.
Before his death, Pak Herman was able to complete a book entitled Pencak Silat: Through My Eyes. detailed breakdown of the offensive and defensive skills used in Pencak Silat, and the tactical elements of timing, distance, rhythm, cadence, and tempo. He also authored a 5 DVD video series entitled Mastering Pencak Silat – the Legacy of a Master.
Read Part 3 of History of Silat in the USA: Al-Azhar Indonesian Martial Arts